New Covenant Church
on Jul 12, 2024
Welcome to New Covenant Church!
We are so glad you have joined us to celebrate the Risen Lord and to hear a message this morning from Fr. Christopher Caudle called "A Disciple's Decision." We look forward to seeing you online with us! Feel free to chat with us in the chat box.
Here are the scriptures for today:
2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19
Psalm 24
Ephesians 1:3-14
Mark 6:14-29
Video Chapters:
00:00 - Opening Blessing
00:55 - Worship
07:16 - Scripture
17:18 - Sermon - A Disciple's Decision - Fr. Christopher Caudle
41:17 - Profession of Faith
42:39 - Prayer
44:35 - Confession of Sins
45:18 - Peace
47:47 - Offertory & Communion
58:26 - Service Ending
Sermon Main Points:
- David's decision to bring the Ark of God to Jerusalem: David wants to bring the Ark of God, which symbolizes God's presence and promise, to his new capital city, Jerusalem, as he begins his reign as king over Israel.
- David's challenges and expectations as a new king: David faces the tasks of building a new city, providing security and prosperity for his people, establishing a culture and a transcendent purpose for his nation, and meeting the expectations of his followers and the surrounding nations.
- David's faith and worship in seeking God's presence: David goes to God before the job is finished, clothes himself as a servant, submits to God's word, and worships God with sacrifices and dancing every six steps on the way to Jerusalem. He also blesses and distributes food to all the people.
- David's example of a disciple's decision: David shows that the fundamental decision of a disciple is to seek God and follow His will rather than asking God to join or bless one's own plans. He also shows that God's presence brings blessing and rest to His people.
- Jesus Christ as the perfect disciple and leader: The sermon relates David's decision to Jesus Christ, who submitted Himself perfectly to the will of His Father, clothed Himself as a servant, trusted and worshiped God in every step of His ministry, and offered Himself as a sacrifice to bring God's presence and blessing to His people.
Prayer (ask for prayer and pray for others)
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