Welcome to New Covenant Church!

We are so glad you have joined us to celebrate the Risen Lord and to hear a message this morning from Fr. Nathan Bryant called "Go But First Sit." We look forward to seeing you online with us! Feel free to chat with us in the chat box.

Here are the scriptures for today: 

2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Psalm 89:20-37
Ephesians 2:11-22
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Video Chapters:

00:00 - Opening
03:24 - Worship
21:50 - Scripture
33:50 - Sermon - Go But First Sit - Fr. Nathan Bryant
52:35 - Profession of Faith
54:10 - Prayers
56:26 - Confession
57:10 - Peace
1:00:20 - Offertory and Communion
1:18:42 - Announcements
1:22:20 - Service Ending


Sermon Main Points: 

Legend of Two Brothers: An old Jewish legend told in the Midrash about two brothers who secretly gave each other grain at night, thinking the other needed it more. They eventually met on the hill one night and embraced, realizing their mutual love and generosity. This place became significant as God said, "My temple will reside." 

Unity Through Christ: The sermon ties into the idea of unity in Ephesians, where Christ's work unified Jews and Gentiles who were once divided. Paul emphasizes that only Christ could break down the walls of hostility between Jews and Gentiles, creating harmony. 

Rest and Reflection: The scriptures also discuss the importance of rest. David wanted to build a house for God, but God reminded him that He didn't need a building and that David needed to rest and reflect on God's promises instead. 

Jesus' Care for His Apostles: Jesus recognized the need for rest among His apostles, who were overwhelmed by their work. He encouraged them to take a break, even though the crowds kept following them. Jesus took on the responsibility of dealing with the crowds to ensure His apostles could rest. 

Abiding in God: Fr. Nathan concludes with a call to abide in God, taking time to sit and reflect on His grace. Just as Mary chose to sit with Jesus instead of being busy like Martha, we are encouraged to seek unity with God and each other through Christ's work. 

Prayer (ask for prayer and pray for others)


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