Friday Epistle - June 22, 2018
grandmother and daddy one day when I was very small. I was sitting in the front seat of the car, actually in-between their conversation. We were bogged down in traffic and the cars around us had stopped on either side and my grandmother remarked to him, "Every one of these cars have people in them and they have things to do and plans they've made and worries on their mind."
At that time, at that age, this had to be one of the most remarkable things I'd ever heard. There was plenty to keep me occupied in the conversations of just our front seat. Honestly, it changed traffic for me ever since. It's also proved to be one of the slippery realities I've ever had to hang onto. Not because it was hard to comprehend, just difficult to live into consistently.
Every car. Every driver. Every passenger and every person texting them to see when they'll arrive or to remind them to pick up the milk.
It doesn't take long for the cloud of plans, worries and hopes in your own vehicle to crowd out the similar cluster of signals in the windshields of those around you. Add that to the highways your GPS reads to you, streets named in morning traffic updates, and the half dozen roads you can drive without thinking about them we soon have a city full of traffic. Each connected to jobs, homes, schools, stores and transition. Multiply this just by the communities that your relatives and best friends live in and soon we'll be completely awash in the detailed lives of the people you know and those you only see in passing.
This week, the readings draw our attention to David, Paul, and Jesus. All three of them people whose actions, plans and intentions shaped history in tremendous ways. Each of them also had an eye for the people passing by. David, the newly minted Hero. Paul, the unstoppable Apostle. And Jesus. The Christ.
We will see how God calls us to take actions that improve life for those in our immediate circle of influence and for those we know only in passing. For us and for those one boat over.

We also want to invite you to our Fourth Bible Intensive this week. Monday - Wednesday evenings from 7.00-8.30, we will be considering the NT book of Hebrews. Whether the book of Hebrews is a favorite of yours or if you've never read a book of the Bible before, you are welcome.
Each evening, we will share dessert, glimpse the glories of Jesus, meet new friends, and see how the book strengthens the inside of our faith while preparing us for external challenges to the faith. Did you know that Hebrews teaches that Jesus is greater than Moses? Did you know that I knew that? See how that all fits together.
We will have a variety of teaching, activities and opportunities to connect the message of this beautiful book to our own lives and mission. Childcare is provided and you can bring a Bible or borrow one of ours. For more information, contact Christopher at
See you Sunday,
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