Friday Epistle - June 29, 2018

How many of you reading this Friday Epistle love interruptions when you are working on a project?
How many of you treasure the times when your best laid plans are torn apart by some situation or problem that just comes out of left field?
You can ask Jana when I get on a project, I am like a dog with a bone. I will skip meals (which says a lot), forget appointments, and work till I drop or the project is complete. I generally don't like interruptions.
However, the Lord has taught, and continues to teach Jana and me a key principle for ministry: " Ministry is what happens in the interruptions." In the text from Mark 5:21-43, Jesus, in His ministry to Jairus and his family ,and to the woman with the issue of blood, gives us three clear contexts to consider where ministry happens in the interruptions.

I believe the text defines ministry for us, as it reveals the healing and saving power of Christ in the world. In this passage, Mark records for us a session right out of Jesus' school for effective ministry. This fits really well with our new Sunday school series which is titled: Good news for the neighborhood part 2. I am excited for this Sunday morning and for the opportunity it affords to learn some practical ways to minister to our neighbors and those we come in contact with in our daily lives.
For such a time as this,
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