Family Ministries

“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.”
- Psalm 8:2

Family, Youth, and Children Ministries

Our children are the future of the church. We believe in doing all we can to raise up a generation that knows the Love of the Lord and the reality of a life lived in faith. In addition, every volunteer who works with the children at New Covenant undergoes Risk Management training and a background check.


Kid's Sunday School is Onsite and Online

Kid’s Sunday School for kids ages 4 -6th grade is offered onsite and online! Onsite Sunday School is during the 10 AM service in person. You can drop your children off for Kid’s Sunday School at the Fellowship Hall when you arrive on campus. They will join you in the main service just before communion is served.

Online Sunday School is offered any time during the week. The lessons are the same for both onsite and online Sunday School.

Nursery Care

Children's Ministry

5th-6th Grade Ministry

7th-12th Grade Ministry