We’d love for you to join us
Our Sunday services are a powerful mix of ancient and modern worship. Our form of prayer has been used for nearly 2000 years with a contemporary music style connecting you with God and the lives around you.
“So warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified.”
- Romans 15:7 (Living Bible)
Sunday Services


More Contemporary

Sunday School
What To Expect During The Service
Welcome & Singing
Scripture Reading
Creed and Prayers
The Peace
Holy Communion
Final Blessing and Dismissal
Welcome & Singing
After you are greeted, you will be lead through an opening prayer, which is followed by music and singing offered as worship.
You will be lead through a prayer for the day, the purpose of which is to provide a focus of worship for the remainder of the service.
Scripture Reading
We then read passages from the Old Testament, New Testament, and one of the Gospel accounts.
A message is shared from the Bible designed to inspire, challenge, encourage, and help us grow as followers of Jesus Christ.
We read either the Nicene Creed or the Apostle's Creed together and Pray together responsively.
The Peace
This is where we greet our neighbors and “Pass the Peace” to symbolize the healed relationships that we have in Christ.
Holy communion
The children return to their families from Children's Church and we start the Holy Communion (or Lord’s Supper). Through this we remember the story and meaning of the death of Christ.
Final Blessing and Dismissal
Then we finish with a blessing and the dismissal. Experienced prayer ministers are available to pray with you after the service.