Pastoral Care
"I am the good shepherd. I know My own sheep, and they know Me."
- John 10:14
Milestones of Faith

"What shall we do?" People asked St Peter in Acts 2 how they should respond to the message of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Peter's answer has framed the church's practice since that day over 2000 years ago. Those who have trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and have turned from their sins are candidates to receive the sacrament of baptism. If you are interested in learning more about the good news of Jesus Christ or about following his command to be baptized, please contact the clergy or church office at 407.699.0202.
Our church baptizes individuals who profess personal faith in Jesus Christ after a period of preparation. Those who have been prepared to accept and embrace the benefits, responsibilities and vows of baptism are usually baptized during one of our regular services. In continuity with the practice of the historic church and agreeable to the doctrine of Christ, we also baptize the children of believers. Parents interested in having their child baptized may contact the church office for more information.

Receiving Holy Communion
All baptized believers in Jesus Christ are welcome to receive communion at New Covenant. Our Eucharistic (thanksgiving) prayer before communion each week rehearses for us the saving work of Jesus Christ, gives thanks to God the Father for His many blessings and asks the Holy Spirit to bless and set apart the offering of bread and wine to be for us the body and blood of Jesus Christ. In the great mystery of holy communion, we confess that Jesus Christ is present to us and gives us himself as we come to His table in faith.
Our parish respects three views on the participation of children in the sacrament of Holy Communion. All three practices focus on the importance of honoring the presence and ministry of Jesus Christ to his people at his table. All three practices seek to cultivate humility, gratitude and thanksgiving as our children come to the rail.
Historically, Anglicans postponed receiving Communion until after their confirmation. Others allow children to receive communion once they have received baptism. Many wait until their baptized child is old enough to appreciate more of the meaning of the sacrament, often in the early grades of elementary school. New Covenant offers a First Communion class for children in 1st or 2nd grade for children preparing to receive or who have been receiving Holy Communion. This class for children and their parents is offered each year in the Spring.

All disciples of Jesus are called to grow in maturity and share in the ministry and mission of the Jesus' body, the church. The sacramental rite of Confirmation allows those who were baptized at a young age to publicly affirm and embrace the vows of their baptism for themselves and receive prayer through the ministry of the Bishop.
In Joy & Sorrow

Marriage Preparation
The love and commitment between a husband and wife is meant to remind them and those who know them of the great love of Jesus for His church. Men and women seeking to be married in the church have a high and holy calling as they prepare to take their vows. Couples should contact a clergy person well in advance of their desired wedding date so that prayerful preparation can occur.
On their wedding day, the bride and groom hear the gathered people pledge to do all they can to uphold the couple in the vows they are making. The health and thriving of marriages is important to us because it is important to God. When marriages face the inevitable hard times, we offer pastoral support and encouragement. For couples facing challenges in their relationship or families, you may contact any member of the pastoral staff.