Worship & Music
“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”
- Ps 95:6

Have you ever wondered why you are here? Why did God create you, and for what purpose?
The answer is simple: He created you to worship Him. When you worship, you focus on God, you praise Him for who He is and what He’s done, and you respond to Him with love and devotion.
That’s what we are meant to do. When we worship, we are drawn into God’s presence. That is where we belong.
Our service at New Covenant is a worship service. It is a time to gather together and draw near to God. Often, when we think about worship we think of music. Our worship team is comprised of members of our congregation who simply love to worship the Lord through music.

Our music is a mix: you’ll hear the storied hymns of the past and the latest worship songs. Our band and singers are up front for one purpose: to lead the congregation in worship. Sometimes the music is celebratory and energetic; you might see people raising their hands or clapping. At other times the music is soft and reflective; people may sing softly as they kneel at the communion rail.
Sometimes, a new song may strike a chord with you. We want to introduce you to new songs of worship regularly. Each week, we will be posting our worship set from the previous week here, so you can look up any songs that you loved! The songs are listed in the order they were sung at church, with the title of the song and the artist who performs them.
Everyone on the worship team is a member of our congregation. If you are interested in joining the team, we ask that you have attended as a member for at least 6 months. If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to our worship leader, Sara, here.