New Covenant Staff

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."
- 1 Peter 4:10

Ministers & Staff

  • Father Christopher Caudle
  • Marci Strickland
  • Sara Buffington
  • Tracy Harper
  • Nathan Bryant
  • Ruan Humphrey
  • Bishop Carl Buffington
  • Fr. Christopher Caudle

    Father Christopher Caudle

    Christopher is a remarkable individual, devoid of deceit. His genuine sense of humor allows him to appreciate both good and bad jokes, yet he never employs it inappropriately. Undoubtedly, he is a man who embodies the qualities of our Lord. Alongside his acute understanding of what is proper, he possesses an inherent knowledge of when and how things should be done.
    Those fortunate enough to have learned from Christopher can attest to his exceptional knowledge and teaching abilities. While many avid readers may prioritize books over personal connections, Christopher stands out with his genuine compassion and caring nature. Balancing his many roles, he never loses sight of the importance of his family, cherishing them as the precious treasures they are.



    • BA in History from the University of North Carolina
    • MA in Biblical Studies from Reformed Theology Seminary



    • Deacon in 2006
    • Priest in 2009
  • Marci Strickland, Children Ministry Director

    Marci Strickland
    Children Ministry Director

    I have been the Children’s Ministry Director for New Covenant since 2021. I moved to Florida in 2003 with my husband, Christopher, and joined New Covenant in December of that year. I studied Early Childhood Development and Family Life at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina.


    I loved teaching in classrooms for ten years and serving as a teacher trainer for two years. I have enjoyed speaking at conferences and training teachers as they strive to improve their classrooms and teaching skills.


    Most recently, I have enjoyed writing Sunday School Curriculum for Hearts Alive Curriculum, New Growth Press. I love Sunday School, having been the recipient of Bible stories, memory verses, and Sunday School hugs throughout my entire childhood. This is why I have volunteered as a teacher or administrator in Sunday School since college.


    My prayer is for New Covenant to make a difference in the hearts of its children by sharing Jesus with them through scripture each week and shining His light through the Christian community with various group events and activities throughout the year.


    Ask me more, I love to talk about children’s ministry!

    I have three beautiful children (all in New Covenant Sunday School) and am enjoying my 25th year of marriage. I am so thankful to serve in my field of passion- teaching, with my loving Savior as the focal point.

  • Sara Buffington

    Sara Buffinton
    Worship and Music Leader

    I have been a member of New Covenant since 2007, when my husband Peter and I and our two children moved here to Florida.  I like to say I married into this church, since Bishop Carl is my father-in-law, but truth be told, I would have come here anyway!


    I graduated from The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia where I majored in English, but I spent all my spare time in the music building.  I have taught eighth grade, written curricula for homeschoolers, and currently, I educate my (now three) children at home.  All the while, I have been a member of the worship team. 


    In April 2013 I started leading worship at New Covenant.  I love music.  I always have, but worshiping the Lord in song is my calling and my passion.  I never thought I would be a lead worshiper, but now I see how God has been preparing me for this my whole life.  I am very thankful.  It's a joy and a privilege!

  • Tracy Harper

    Tracy Harper

    I have been the Administrator at New Covenant since December 2019. My background is in administration and bookkeeping, which I did for a local law firm for 24 years, as well as for my former church.

    I was born in Northern Illinois, but grew up In Winter Park, having graduated from Winter Park High School (Go ‘Cats!), and then went on to attend Hillsborough Community College and University of South Florida in Tampa.

    My husband, Scott, daughter, Lily, and I have been attending New Covenant since 2009 and have felt at home here since the first Sunday we attended. I am active on the Altar Guild and love serving God by preparing His table.


    Scott and I adopted Lily from Fuzhou, Jiangxi, China in 2007 when she was 6 years old. We firmly believe in second chances and as Bishop Carl would say, “God blessed our socks off!” with Lily. We also have my son and daughter (Ian and Katy) who are both in their 30’s, live nearby, and have blessed us with some awesome grandchildren to keep us busy.


    We have a bunny and a dog to chase around at home and in my spare time, I enjoy gardening, writing, and playing with the grandkids.

  • Nathan Bryant

    Nathan Bryant
    Parish Clergy

    Nathan currently serves bi-vocationally with New Covenant Church as a priest. He also wrestles with technology every week to keep services running smoothly.  His full-time job is teaching High School Bible and Social Studies for a private Christian Prep school in Maitland, Florida.

    A crazed sports fan, he enjoys watching college football and playing fantasy football. 

    Nathan is unashamedly a coffee addict. (The first step is accepting you have a problem, right?)

    He loves nature, the mountains, the forest, the ocean... not so much swamps, and longs for any chance he gets to go camping or sailing.

    Nathan is married to his best friend Hannah, who volunteers with children's Sunday School.



    • Priest in 2022
  • Ruan Humphrey

    Ruan Humphrey
    Parish Clergy

    It was a Sunday in August 1993 when my aunt and I first visited New Covenant Church while here on vacation. We were greeted warmly by everyone we met! The service was HOLY SPIRIT directed, and joy filled - evidence of the “Three Streams” at work.

    I had found what I did not know I was looking for or that it even existed and decided then that I wanted to be a part of New Covenant.

    While I lived in New York for the next five years, I visited Florida twice a year and worshipping with New Covenant was always a highlight of my vacation.

    My undergraduate degree in Education from Nyack College - It had been Nyack Missionary College - was filled with biblical studies and my graduate degree was from Fairfield University, a Jesuit school.

    Studying GOD’S Holy Word has always a part of my life, inspired by my maternal grandmother, and my mother. When my school district offered a “career change incentive” to those who had been teaching more than 10 years, I eagerly accepted and relocated here.

  • Bishop Carl Buffington

    Bishop Carl Buffington
    Bishop in Residence (Retired)

    My ministry at New Covenant began in 1993.  Barbara, my wife, and our 3 children moved here from Evergreen, CO, high and dry to low and wet, quite a  change.  I was brought up in the northeast, a suburb of New York, and Barbara grew up in a suburb of Philadelphia.


    We met while I was attending The Philadelphia Divinity School in West Philadelphia where I received an M.Div. degree in 1972, and I was ordained a deacon and priest in the same year.  I went to seminary directly from college. I earned an A.B. degree from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA.  For 5 years of my ministry I was a traveling evangelist, sharing the story of our Lord and his presence and power in a different church every weekend.


    What I have always loved about New Covenant is the blending of the charismatic, the evangelical, and the sacramental aspects of the Faith. And what still gets me up in the morning is seeing people change, seeing people encounter the living Lord.  I just love to see hearts changed by the Holy Spirit.



    • BA from the College of William & Mary 1969
    • M.Div from the Philadelphia Divinity School 1972


    • Ordained in the Diocese of CT – Deacon and Priest 1972
    • Consecrated a Bishop, Emissary to Boga Diocese, Democratic Republic of the Congo - 2015