Welcome to New Covenant Church!

We are so glad you have joined us to celebrate the Risen Lord! This week we will hear a lesson from Fr. Christopher Caudle called "Crunch Time."  Here are the scriptures for this week:

Genesis 15:1-12,17-18
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Luke 13:31-35
Psalm 27

We look forward to seeing you online with us! Feel free to chat with us in the chat box.

Hear the sermon now - "Crunch Time" - Fr. Christopher Caudle


Fr. Christopher delivers a sermon during Lent, proposing a brief Lenten retreat for the congregation to reflect on the gospel passage from Luke 13. He introduces three questions to guide their reflection as they move towards Easter. He begins by quoting Martin Thornton, who suggests that fighting sins is meant to improve prayer, not the other way around.

Jesus' Journey and Message

Fr. Christopher discusses Jesus' journey towards Jerusalem, highlighting his unwavering commitment to his Father's will despite knowing he will face rejection, abuse, and death. He notes that Jesus' mission is to fulfill Isaiah 61 and that his baptism and subsequent actions affirm this purpose. Jesus' friends initially try to dissuade him from this path, but he remains resolute.

In Luke 13, Jesus is warned by the Pharisees to leave because Herod wants to kill him. Fr. Christopher finds it interesting that Pharisees, who often conspired with Herod, now warn Jesus. This warning prompts the first question: Are your next steps based on faith in God's call or fear of external threats? Jesus' response shows that his journey is guided by faith, not fear.

Facing Fear and Embracing Faith

Fr. Christopher emphasizes the importance of facing fears with faith, citing Jesus' determination to continue his journey despite Herod's threat. He shares a personal anecdote about friends dealing with a devastating diagnosis, highlighting their choice to walk the path given by God rather than be defined by fear.

Moving Towards Stubborn Places with Hope

Jesus' lament over Jerusalem, the city that kills prophets, introduces the second question: Are you moving towards stubborn places in your life with hope? Fr. Christopher explains that Jesus intentionally goes to Jerusalem, knowing it is a place of resistance and danger. He encourages the congregation to approach difficult situations with hope, believing in God's ability to bring transformation.

Fr. Christopher references the prophets, like Isaiah, who spoke of a restored Jerusalem despite facing persecution. He urges the congregation to maintain hope in seemingly hopeless situations, trusting God's power to bring change.

Yielding to Christ's Gathering

The third question arises from Jesus' desire to gather Jerusalem like a hen gathers her brood despite their unwillingness. Fr. Christopher asks what makes individuals hesitate to yield to Christ's gathering. He suggests that fear of vulnerability and the cost of discipleship might cause hesitation. Jesus' approach, offering protection through sacrifice, contrasts with a warrior king's promise of safety.

Fr. Christopher highlights the importance of accepting Jesus as he is, even if it means embracing weakness and sacrifice. He quotes Psalm 118, emphasizing the need to recognize Jesus as the one sent by God and to bless him for his sacrificial love.


In conclusion, Fr. Christopher reiterates the three questions for reflection: Are your steps based on faith or fear? Are you moving towards stubborn places with hope? What makes you hesitate to yield to Christ's gathering? He encourages the congregation to find security in Jesus' love and to embrace the path laid out by their Father, even in the face of fear and difficulty.

Prayer (ask for prayer and pray for others)





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