New Covenant Church
on Nov 23, 2024
Welcome to New Covenant Church!
We are so glad you have joined us to celebrate the Risen Lord and to hear a message this morning from Fr. Nathan Bryant called "Behold Your King."
We look forward to seeing you online with us! Feel free to chat with us in the chat box.
Here are the scriptures for today:
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 93
Revelation 1:4b-8
John 18:33-37
Hear the sermon now "Behold Your King" - Fr. Nathan Bryant
Fr. Nathan emphasizes Jesus' kingship, contrasting it with earthly kings and urging believers to behold and follow Christ as their king.
Fr. Nathan begins by asking the congregation to consider if they will behold their king, Jesus, as the church year concludes with a reflection on his kingship. The concept of kingship is explored through biblical figures such as Adam, Abraham, Moses, and David, highlighting their roles and flaws. Jesus is presented as the ultimate king who contrasts with human rulers by giving rather than taking, fulfilling the messianic hope, and transforming kingship.
Daniel's vision in Babylon, where he sees a human figure given dominion by God, is interpreted as a prophecy of Jesus' divine kingship. Jesus' reign is defined by sacrificial love, demonstrated through his crucifixion, which transforms the concept of kingship and draws people to him. The sermon challenges listeners to consider how Jesus' kingship changes their daily lives, values, and actions, emphasizing service, humility, and eternal goals.
In conclusion, the congregation is invited to prepare room in their hearts for Jesus and to behold him as their true king, following his example of giving and love.
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