Welcome to New Covenant Church!

We are so glad you have joined us to celebrate the Risen Lord and to hear a message this morning from Fr. Chuck Mann called "Ambition."

We look forward to seeing you online with us! Feel free to chat with us in the chat box.

Here are the scriptures for today: 

Isaiah 53.4-12
Psalm 91.9-16
Hebrews 5.1-10
Mark 10.35-45


Hear the sermon now - Fr. Chuck Mann

Summary of Sermon

Fr. Chuck Mann shares his journey of faith, career, and ministry, emphasizing the importance of ambition and following God's plan.

  • Early Life and Faith: Fr. Chuck Mann grew up in Winter Haven, Florida, and was raised in the Episcopal Church, but initially lacked a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Personal Loss and Career Aspirations: The death of his father at age 14 led to a period of emotional struggle, during which he pursued a career in journalism.

  • Spiritual Awakening: Through encounters with Christian friends and an evangelist on TV, Fr. Chuck experienced a profound spiritual awakening, leading him to surrender to Jesus.

  • Meeting Debbie and Marriage: Fr. Chuck met his future wife Debbie at a Bible study, and they were married 11 months later, beginning their shared spiritual journey.

  • Career Shift and Ministry: After a career in journalism, Fr. Chuck felt called to the priesthood, leading to roles in various churches and eventually retirement in 2022.

  • Ambition and Faith: Fr. Chuck discusses the concept of ambition, contrasting worldly ambition with God-given ambition, and emphasizes the importance of seeking God's purpose.

  • Post-Retirement Ministry: In retirement, Fr. Chuck and Debbie continue their ministry through prayer walks, campus outreach, and street ministry, impacting many lives.

Prayer (ask for prayer and pray for others)


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