What If The Church Were the 5H Club?

Most of you have probably heard of 4H clubs.

Carl and I went to a horseshow this past weekend to watch our granddaughter.  It was put on by 4H, and the environment and ambiance of the day made me stop and think.

horse show

We witnessed genuine attitudes of kindness and caring, lots of encouragement, and a camaraderie that isn’t always evident in competition.

Our daughter shared that there is a true community spirit and a welcoming attitude.  Everyone in the club wants the best for each other – they have each other’s backs.

Kind of makes you think…hmmm…isn’t this what Christian community should look like when others view it from the outside or walk into a church? 

Indeed, all those traits and with Christ in the center – WOW!  So, what if the Church was the 5H club?

What If Church Were the 5H Club?

I thought about 5 hallmarks of a Christian and thought I’d share a touchpoint on each one.


Honesty is the basis of any genuine relationship. 

As Christians, we need to be honest with God, and not only that but to have a depth of community, honesty with each other is imperative.

If there is no honesty, there is no relationship of any value.


1 Peter 5:5 says, “Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” 

Have you ever known a Christian that you admire and respect?

One that comes to mind is Mother Teresa, who clothed herself with humility and is a great example for the rest of us! 

Hand in hand with that is service – a life of service is a witness to the character of Christ.

It has been said that it is serving others that makes us most human. 

Think about it – those wanting the spotlight are more concerned about their own desires and welfare than others. They do not reflect the values of Jesus, let alone attract anyone toward Christianity.



In The Challenge of Jesus by John Shea, hilaritas is defined as the virtue which is characterized by joy, courage, and freedom.

“It is a joyful confidence, an affirmation of life even in the face of diminishment. It takes life seriously, but not ultimately…The source of Jesus’ celebrative lifestyle is his joyous trust in the activity of God.” 

Think about it: if we really trust God, we will worry a whole lot less and probably experience freedom and courage that too often eludes us. 

The result from this comes out as joy – what a better way to live than spending your life filled with worry!

jump for joy

My husband likes to share a picture from Luke 10 when the disciples returned and reported on their mission. It says, Jesus “rejoiced in the Holy Spirit.”

Some have translated that to mean that he leapt up in the air, spun around, and landed dancing.  What a picture that paints of our Lord and of hilaritas! 

As Christians, wouldn’t it be beautiful if we were recognized by this characteristic? I believe it is a telltale sign of a true believer who knows Christ deep in his/her bones when they exude joy, even though they’ve known heartache and suffering in their journey.

Circumstance for a Christian does not dictate joy, but joy is the experience of knowing deeply that you are unequivocally and unconditionally loved by God Himself.


Ahhh…the heart.  Henri Nouwen says that our heart is the center of our being, where God has hidden the divine gifts of hope, trust, and love. 

I absolutely think this quote is golden. He is not talking about the heart being the center of our emotions or feelings, but the CENTER of our being, where the most important gifts are implanted deeply.  


“Those who keep speaking about the sun while walking under a cloudy sky are messengers of hope, the true saints of our day.”  

John Shea says that Christian hope is neither whim nor illusion but the empowerment to struggle based on the continued yet transformed presence of the resurrected Christ.  So true – if I didn’t have hope, I would have despaired and given up long ago. 

Hope became very real to me after our son was killed in 2004, when hope went from being more of a head thing and a concept and dropped into my heart when it was cracked wide open. 

My heart was totally broken, but the Lord eventually gave me the hope I so desperately needed that has sustained me through the struggles of this earthly journey. 


It is Christian hope that keeps me alive and looking ahead – it is the mainspring of life.

Hope celebrates the future that Christ has given to us in his resurrection!

Would You Like to Join the 5H Club?

I’d like to belong to this 5 H club, and perhaps you would, too, that we might reflect the Christian community and witness to Christ and his love with beauty and graciousness – with honesty, humility, hilaritas, heart, and hope!

Barb Buffington

Which of the H's resonates with you: honesty, humility, hilaritas, heart, or hope? Let me know in the comments below!


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