March 18th, 2022 by Erica Stephenson
This weekend a part of our church family heads out on a retreat weekend - our middle and high school students! We will be exploring the depths of Scripture together - from how the Bible was put together and the lenses that we bring to how we read the Bible, to looking at the big story of God that Scripture tells and where we find ourselves in it.
We need your specific prayers!
February 9th, 2021 by Erica Stephenson
To the naked eye last night may have appeared to be teenagers using the Super Bowl as an excuse to hang out together – most prioritizing the commercials over the game itself.
As one high school student put it, “It’s just looks like a middle school fight out there…”. Let me share with you what I saw instead last night…
November 18th, 2020 by Erica Stephenson
The youth fall retreat was a twist on the familiar this year. A twist on how we did almost everything, as we all have discovered to be true of 2020. From eating and singing, to playing and making it a day only retreat - we found ourselves awkwardly maneuvering the realities of a changed world. And yet, we awkwardly moved together. Our theme was about living generously, and it couldn’t have been more timely. A generous God who shows us how to live generously through Jesus. Below are three stories from the weekend. Thank you for praying for this part of our church family as they continue to walk with Jesus.
September 8th, 2020 by Erica Stephenson
No expectations, no presentations, no agendas - just parents getting to know one another, and connecting over parenting teenagers! Including after dinner (dinner is provided every first Sunday night of the month for youth group) dessert and coffee/tea.