"Train yourself spiritually"
- 1 Timothy 4:8
What Can We Learn from Children?

Have you ever sat in a restaurant booth? It’s like being in a little pod. You are so close to the people in the booths beside you, but they feel a mile away. You feel enclosed; you have privacy. Not so if there is a young child in the booth next to you. Kids don’t respect the privacy of the booth. They stand or kneel on the booth seat and peer over the top to see what their neighbors are doing. They outright stare. You are eating your shrimp tacos and chatting with the people in your party, and the neighboring child is watching every move you make. They don’t smile when you smile. They don’t wave when you wave. They watch you.
Read MoreJust Walk Away This Lent

What would you grab if your house was on fire? Many people asked me that question after my house burned down on Christmas of 1989. “What did you grab?” people inquired as they painfully thought of all the things they would grab on the way out of the house. These were things they couldn’t live without. Before I answer that question, let me take a minute to give you background on this story.
Read MoreIs Home a Person, Place, or Thing?

“We’ve checked into the hotel earth overnight on our way to the heavenly Jerusalem. Earth is not our home.” I heard Brennan Manning say these words many times. So where is our home?
Read MoreSix Addresses of Home

Home is where the heart is. Home away from home. All Roads lead to home...or is that Rome? These colloquialisms go on and on. At this stage in my life I often feel like this: Home is where the noise is. However, my home hasn’t always been that way.
Read MoreIn the Meantime...Faces of Home

Scripture says that in heaven there will be no more weeping and sorrow or crying or tears…. that is our destiny, our eternal HOME, but what about as we journey on this earth? We are "walking each other home on this earthly journey toward Heaven" but what is home here on earth…what does HOME look like in the meantime? Where and how do we share our tears and our sorrows (along with the joys) while we are here?
Read MoreBless This Messy House

My husband and I built our dream home on 10.5 acres in Virginia. We contracted the whole thing ourselves, and Peter himself laid all our heart of pine floors. I picked out all the colors of paint. The walls were mostly a creamy yellow, which I consider the happiest color. We planned to raise our family there. We installed a full swing set in the backyard even though our oldest could only use the baby swing. We had plenty of space, extra bedrooms, and scenic views from every window. We joked that this would be the house we would die in. (That's pretty dark humor, I know.) We lived there for 1.5 years. Our entire lives turned upside down at that moment. The life we were building in Virginia? God decided to close that door abruptly and without much warning. We sold out dream home in a week and moved to Florida. We shoved our furniture in a storage unit and moved into 2 bedrooms in my inlaws' house. Our two kids in one room, Peter and I in another. The whole thing was shocking, sad, and God-led.
Read MoreGod Bless This House

In 2002 when we felt the Lord call us to move to the Orlando area to be closer to all of our children and grandchildren, we first had to sell our home in Pittsburgh to afford our new Florida home. No offers came for several months, until a husband and wife came one evening, looked quickly at the home, spoke to me briefly, and left. I said to Ida that I strongly felt this was the couple who would be the buyers.
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