
"Train yourself spiritually"

- 1 Timothy 4:8

    Friday Epistle for May 12, 2017

    Friday Epistle for May 12, 2017

    Greetings to you all,

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    Friday Epistle for May 5, 2017

    Friday Epistle for May 5, 2017

    Many congratulations to Bishop Carl this week as he celebrates the second anniversary (May 2) of

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    Friday Epistle - April 28, 2017

    Friday Epistle - April 28, 2017

    Dear Friends, Towards the end of the gospel reading from Luke 24 for Sunday we hear our travelers reflect, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" v.32 What will set our hearts on fire again for our Lord Jesus or as someone put it, how to share "a common enthusiasm for the raw relevance of Jesus...God's priceless Son!"*

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    Good Friday Epistle for April 14, 2017

    Good Friday Epistle for April 14, 2017

    Dear Friends at New Covenant,

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    Friday Epistle for April 7, 2017

    Friday Epistle for April 7, 2017

    Several years ago, I proposed to Marci and she accepted. Afterwards, we announced our good news to our families. Sound familiar?This involved going to various homes we both knew well, (we grew up in them) and telling people who loved us (and anticipated that this news would eventually arrive) that we were getting married. Simple.Amazingly, this obvious next step created odd feelings in us both as we made the drive from place to place. Excitement, anticipation, and some real anxiety. We wondered if they would join us in our celebration. (They all did.) We wondered if they would wonder if we were old enough. (We might not have been.) I wondered if her father would bury me in the back yard. (He didn't.)

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    Faithfulness is fruitful

    Faithfulness is fruitful

    Here are a number of incredible servants of grace I met island hopping the past couple weeks. Their faithfulness and the light of our Lord shone brightly.

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    I stared out of my hotel window, some random raindrops hitting the glass. I was looking down on the seriously overcrowded streets of Port-au-Prince I had just left. From one perspective I could see some stately mountains and the Caribbean Sea, but my eyes kept returning to the flood of people walking. I was pretty sure they weren't wearing fitbits or counting their steps, this is the way they live their days, walking.

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    Expect the Unexpected

    Expect the Unexpected

    To all who are doing the Prayer Book Lenten discipline, you might want to expect the unexpected. Drawing closer can be like walking in the dark, and then when the light comes on, there you are face to face, or at least nearer than you expected, to your Savior.

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    Friday Epistle for March 17

    Friday Epistle for March 17

    Our journey to Easter with Jesus takes us intentionally to the edges of where we are comfortable.

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    Friday Epistle for March 3

    Friday Epistle for March 3

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