
"Train yourself spiritually"

- 1 Timothy 4:8

    Eternal Life - Interested?

    Eternal Life - Interested?

    Friday Epistle 7.12.13 Dear Member of New Covenant -- A Couple Questions. Peter picked Barbara and me up at the airport yesterday afternoon. This morning I returned the favor. On the way to MCO we listened to a sermon, an app on his phone. The speaker was responding to some golfing friends who had asked, or better put, challenged, “does one need to belong to a church to be a Christian?” Actually, his golfing friends weren’t looking for an answer or even an opinion -- emphatically and absolutely not was their stand. The speaker shared none-the-less, or all-the-more, that as he read his Bible all of the metaphors for being a Christian included others e.g. the body, a family, a building. In other words, he found no basis in the scriptures for an isolated Christian. Just as he began to share about the invisible church and the visible church -- Southwest Airlines was before us, so the sermon along with Peter and his phone exited.

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