Jaw-Dropping Worship Moments

January 26th, 2021 by Sara Buffington

I am about to tell you about one of the most impactful worship experiences of my life. What do you think it was?  Can you imagine the scene?

Listening Together to the Best-Selling, Least-Read Book of Our Time

January 25th, 2021 by Christopher Caudle

The wordiest Psalm in the Book of Psalms (and the longest chapter in the Bible) is a song about the Word.

Why the Scars? Part 1

January 19th, 2021 by Carl Buffington

Running out of chores, I tackled my “blessing drawer.”

I’m not sure where, or from whom, I got the idea but when I got a note or a letter that was affirming I tossed it in the bottom drawer of my desk. 

Over the years it filled up, that’s not bragging, just saying a lot of years went by, and a week ago with the quarantine at full tilt, it was time to open it. 

I dumped them into an empty moving box and settled in. 

One by One

One by one I read them, often pausing to ponder or cry like when I hit one from our deceased son, AJ. 

No Reservations Required

October 10th, 2014 by Christopher Caudle


Do you have a reservation?

Getting a table for dinner on your birthday, or getting to see the doctor on an afternoon often requires a reservation. This seems simple enough. Plan ahead, call ahead, and things are ready when you arrive. First come, first served.

In His Presence at New Covenant Church

October 7th, 2013 by Carl Buffington

I told someone again this week how thankful I am to be part of this church.  I really love Sunday mornings and all the ways we can experience the Lord's presence. Here are three: there is scripture, there is the sacrament, and there is the Spirit.It's the three streams of our Anglican tradition.

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