"Train yourself spiritually"
- 1 Timothy 4:8
Blessed Mess: A Shopping Experience

Christmas shopping is when you go to a shopping center and become a moving target for hundreds of half-crazed and half-blind drivers – drivers who know no fear and would challenge a Sherman tank for a parking place. It’s where you go to cash in on all the non-bargains Madison Avenue has prepared for you to purchase. It’s tiring and draining on me, Christmas shopping.
Read More“True Love and Brotherhood”? What’s That?

Have you heard of the “Get Along Shirt”? Faced with bickering siblings, you can stuff your two kids into a man’s extra large T-shirt, so they are forced to be together and work it out. I have never tried this in my home, but when my two older ones were younger, I used to make them give each other a hug after an argument. Then they had to look into each other’s eyes and say one nice thing about the other person. Sounds great, right? The reality was that they hugged each other in the most reluctant, insincere hug they could conjure. Then, when told to say something nice, their answers would include a monotone, deadpan, “You have nice hair.”
Read MoreJoy Rises Out of Assurance

“Why did you go into the ministry?” the rector’s wife asked me at dinner. My response surprised me. I mean, when asked in the past, I would say something like, “God was pushing me,” or “God was working behind the scenes.” In other words, I hadn’t sense a ‘call’ or that I was being led. I had been surprised to findmyself going in this direction.
Read MoreThe Christmas Maker Challenge

Are you a “Christmas Maker”? Take this quiz to find out:
Read MoreAn Un-Understandable Peace
By far the best eulogy I’ve heard to date, was given to a packed house at Truro Church in Fairfax, VA, by one of three sons of a priest friend of mine. He had an oft repeated line that gave focus and rhythm to his words:
Read MoreWhat Do You Do When You Hear a Knock?

In my house, I have trained my kids not to answer the door for a stranger. This rule began when they were really young, and now they are just in the habit.
Read MoreWhat Lies Ahead?

As you look at what lies ahead:
Read MoreNoel and Other Mysterious Lyrics

Have you ever misheard song lyrics? You really thought you knew what they were singing until someone laughingly corrected you. Here are some misheard lyrics from Christmas songs—can you guess the originals? (Answers at the bottom.)
Read MoreChristmastide Blessings

December 23, 2016 Christmas blessings to you all! Sometimes we manage to catch a glimpse of the presence of our Lord. We just know it because what we are seeing is going directly to our hearts. I sometimes think this is His grace letting us see what He sees. That sounds presumptuous but perhaps not when we think of how our God loves to share. When this happens to me, the ambiance of the moment is one of hope, and hope is the air I breathe for sometime after.
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