
"Train yourself spiritually"

- 1 Timothy 4:8

    Finding Faith and Hope During Lent: A Spiritual Guide

    Finding Faith and Hope During Lent: A Spiritual Guide

    Understanding the Lenten Journey Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for the celebration of Easter. This 40-day journey mirrors Jesus Christ's time in the wilderness, where he fasted and faced temptation. For many, Lent is a time to deepen their faith, confront their sins, and draw closer to God. During this period, Christians are encouraged to engage in self-examination, prayer, and fasting, allowing them to renew their commitment to their faith.

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    Embracing Radical Love: Lessons from the Sermon on the Plain

    Embracing Radical Love: Lessons from the Sermon on the Plain

    The Sermon on the Plain, as shared in the Gospel of Luke, offers a fascinating companion to the more well-known Sermon on the Mount. Both sermons capture the core of Jesus' teachings, but the Sermon on the Plain brings a unique message that speaks to the heart of our relationships and the norms of society. This sermon isn't just about faith; it's an inspiring call to action for anyone eager to follow in Jesus' footsteps.

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    Experiencing God's Kingdom in Times of Difficulty

    Experiencing God's Kingdom in Times of Difficulty

    The Transformative Power of Proximity to Christ In a world that's often unpredictable and full of challenges, finding comfort and hope can sometimes seem out of reach. But the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke warmly invite us to come closer to Christ and feel a transformative power that goes beyond our current situations. Being near to Christ brings a deep sense of peace, joy, and hope, even when times are tough.

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    Beholding the King: Jesus's Unique Kingship

    Beholding the King: Jesus's Unique Kingship

    Unveiling the Concept of Kingship in the Bible The idea of kingship might seem a bit old-fashioned in today's world, especially in places that value democracy and personal freedom. But in the Bible, kingship is a big deal, showing a divine order and authority that goes beyond what we can fully grasp.

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    Remember to Say Thank You

    Remember to Say Thank You

    My daughter and I both overslept this morning. That was the direct result of having stayed up late watching a cheesy movie together. Holiday weeks are wonderful. We both padded around the kitchen making our morning drinks: mine a chai latte with milk, hers the same but with almond milk. She mused, "I feel like everything in my life is going well. School is going well. My running is going well. My friendships are great. I worry that something bad will happen, that God will take it away to show me that I should be dependent on Him or something." "God doesn't operate like that," I mumbled as I poured milk in my mug. Did I mention I am not a morning person? I do not have all my words in the morning. "Yes, but how do you know that?" "Because He is a good father. He delights to give good gifts to His children. All we need to do is remember to say thank you." It sounds so easy, right? Just say thank you. So how come we rarely do it?

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    Is Accepting Help Difficult for You?

    Is Accepting Help Difficult for You?

    "I’m fine. Thank you.” Translation: “I do not need any help.” In the American culture which encourages the value of independence, how reluctant we often are to accept help from others. It feels like a sign of weakness or dependence. And yet for Christians, this runs counter to the teachings of Jesus and Paul that we are created for community, with openness, vulnerability, and mutual support. “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:15). “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) As a pastor, it felt good to help others carry their burdens. I wanted to be a strong leader. But seeking help for myself seemed uncomfortable. It was like a sign of weakness.

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    01-17-2014 A FIRST AND FINEST

    Dear Members of New Covenant,

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    01-10-2014 HEAVENLY IMPACT

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    01-03-2014 Things Change

    Dear Members of New Covenant,

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