An Un-Understandable Peace

December 10th, 2020 by Carl Buffington

photo carl blog Peace1

By far the best eulogy I’ve heard to date, was given to a packed house at Truro Church in Fairfax, VA, by one of three sons of a priest friend of mine.  He had an oft repeated line that gave focus and rhythm to his words:

What Do You Do When You Hear a Knock?

December 7th, 2020 by Sara Buffington

In my house, I have trained my kids not to answer the door for a stranger.  This rule began when they were really young, and now they are just in the habit.  

What Lies Ahead?

December 3rd, 2020 by Carl Buffington

As you look at what lies ahead:

Noel and Other Mysterious Lyrics

November 30th, 2020 by Sara Buffington

            Have you ever misheard song lyrics? You really thought you knew what they were singing until someone laughingly corrected you. Here are some misheard lyrics from Christmas songs—can you guess the originals? (Answers at the bottom.)

Friday Epistle - December 1, 2017

December 1st, 2017 by Christopher Caudle

Have you ever double-booked during the holidays?

Christmastide Blessings

January 3rd, 2017 by Carl Buffington

December 23, 2016

Christmas blessings to you all!

Sometimes we manage to catch a glimpse of the presence of our Lord.  We just know it because what we are seeing is going directly to our hearts.  I sometimes think this is His grace letting us see what He sees. 

That sounds presumptuous but perhaps not when we think of how our God loves to share.  When this happens to me, the ambiance of the moment is one of hope, and hope is the air I breathe for sometime after.

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