The Call to Discipleship
On previous Sundays, the lectionary readings taken from Luke’s narrative centered on amazing stories of conversion and faith, stories about people not ordinarily considered to be worthy of such a close relationship with God. Through these stories Luke has confronted his readers with the legalistic and materialistic nature of their day, pointing out that their ways, from the leaders to the general population, provide severe hindrances to a loving relationship to God.
Today’s gospel presents Jesus as the rightful object of our faith. Just as he became the Word Incarnate, Jesus embodies faith in God and becomes its substance, its expression and its reward. Faith in God is no longer in the observance of the Law or in the attachment to family or possessions, but rather in following Jesus and obeying his command to love one another. He deliberately reveals to his audience, and to all of us today, that this faith in God lived out as discipleship is very demanding and clearly radical in regard to self-sacrifice. Our traditions, our family values, and our possessions can all be obstacles to a burgeoning our faith and salvation in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, if we do not surrender to Jesus, allowing him to reign over all things.