Can I Be Jesus Next Time?


Epistle Pic for 6-17The Kindergartners in our class were taking turns walking on the water, and pulling their friends, (a parade of Simon Peter stand-ins) to safety and smiles inside the boat.

Vacation Bible School has been a beautiful week of busy volunteers preparing early each morning, children arriving with their parents or grandparents just before 9 and then a whirlwind.

Music, Bible Stories, Skits, Crafts, Snacks, Recreation and all the transitional moments in-between. Lining up together and hustling to sit beside your new friend. Sharing an answer when a classmate did not quite remember if Noah had the big boat or the big fish.

Pulling your friends to the safety of friendship, support, and encouragement. One at a time. All together. Being reminded that Jesus makes all the Bible's stories great, and has intentions for each of us, one at a time and all together.

While there are so many people to thank for the week that is even now still being put away, the motivation for their labor of love goes beyond the accomplishment of summer's busiest week. (Look for the slideshow on Sunday morning.)

The sense of community that grows out from the schedules and the activity is the treasure that causes children to ask for the CD to be played again. And then again. And motivates volunteers to sign up again. And then again.

It causes parents to smile and sing along as those same songs are sung with enthusiasm at the family program on Friday. It's why crafts and pictures and descriptions of water day are collected so carefully at day's end and why playdates and plans are made before we all leave at week's end.

As our city has faced a week of inexpressible grief and too many questions, it has been a blessing to be reminded in the company of children that God knows us, God hears us, God strengthens us, God loves us, and God sends us.

We each have opportunities during these 100 Days of Summer to take our turn to reach out to someone with a smile and pull them towards safety. And to reach our hand out to others and have them offer their strength and support. Don't miss the opportunity to take your turn. That's a lesson I was reminded of this week at VBS.

Epistle Pic 2 for 6-17

Thanks to my teachers. So many thanks to Chris and Erin, Camille, Cooper, Elise, Emeline, Ezrah, Jovi, Kara, Shon, and Tyrone.


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