imagesPrayer is foundational to our life with God. Talking to God about our world, our friends, families and ourselves begins the conversation. Listening to God about our world, our friends, families and ourselves moves the conversation forward.

Whether you have prayed for a lifetime or only occasionally, we hope you will join us this Fall for our church-wide study.

The only thing Jesus' friends ever asked him to teach them was how to pray.

It shouldn't surprise us if we may benefit from a little coaching and support as we grow in prayer.

Through exploration of the Bible, conversations and hearing from others who have prayed in the midst of and through challenging times, we can learn how to be people of prayer for the sake of others.

You might join a group to reconnect with friends after a busy summer and a fall full of new schedules and patterns. You might join a group to meet some new friends and practice prayer in a safe space. You might enjoy snacks and conversation. You may have questions that haven't been asked in a while. For any of these reasons and more, we ask the folks of our parish to join together and study together each fall.

Invite a neighbor or colleague. Offer to share hosting duties with a partner. Talk about what you are seeing and learning at coffee hour each week.

If you would like for your group to participate, or would like to host a group for the five weeks, please contact me at 407-462-8885 or We are updating the website with the names and locations of groups as they sign up.




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