Wrestling with God
Have you ever complained to God, asking why bad things happen to good people?
Have you ever questioned God's concern for you, your family, or friends who were facing crises which seemed out of control?
Have you found it difficult to trust God when your prayers seem to go unanswered?
This Sunday, I want to look with you at the story of Jacob, the son of Isaac, and the grandson of Abraham, who in Genesis 32 wrestled with God in the face of a life threatening crisis. As the story unfolds, we will learn that:
- It is OK to wrestle with God.
- But we must also allow God to wrestle with us.
- And those who wrestle and prevail will be given a new name and a new future.
Before you come to worship at 8 or 10 AM Sunday, would you read Genesis 32?
Come as we wrestle together with these life changing questions. And you may just want to invite someone to come with you who is wrestling with God right now!
See you Sunday!
In His Strong Name,
The Rev. Dr. Larry Selig
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