Friday Epistle for June 1, 2018

Friday Epistle - Dr. Larry Selig
         We had lived in Pittsburgh for 20 wonderful years when we put our
house on the market before moving to Winter Springs in 2002. All of our
children and grandchildren were already in Orlando, so the move
was easier emotionally.  We had experienced so many blessings there with
our family and neighbors, so we prayed for the right family to purchase
our home and continue to experience that blessing. At the home inspection, we
asked the couple with three young children who were buying it if we
could pray a blessing with them before they prepared to move in. They said
yes and could they bring several other family member when we did
this? Of course! Well to our surprise, they came with their three children,
parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, filling our large living
room as we gathered in a circle to pray a blessing over them and the
house as they moved. Their children then presented us a plaque for our
new home in Winter Springs saying "Bloom where God plants you". How
precious. It is now on our large porch table where we love to entertain!
        Since we moved to Winter Springs 16 years ago, we have had many
wonderful opportunities to share with our  neighbors. Each time a
house near us comes on the market, we pray that the Lord draw each
family who moves in. And it is fun to see how special relationships
result.And many opportunities to pray with them in times of crisis.Last August,
a single mom who was widowed, purchased the home next doors and moved in with her three lovely daughters. Within a week, a friendship  began which blossomed this Spring with the three daughters inviting Jesus into their lives and Mom reconfirming her  relationship with the Lord. They started coming with us to NCC, and love the welcome you all have given. The girls asked me if I would baptize them so they could publicly confirm this new relationship with the Lord and receive Holy Communion.
So this Sunday, being a Presbyterian pastor ministering to this family
whose family roots were Presbyterian, Carl has invited me to join him in  baptizing them at the  10 AM service, and also have me preach.The sermon will deal with turning  our lives over to the Lord's control, influenced in part
by a story I told the girls and their Mom, helping them understand what
trusting Jesus involves. Please be in prayer for them as they come to
be baptized or reconfirm their baptism this Sunday.

        The picture was taken two weeks ago when the girls, Emily, Stephanie, Heather and their Mom, Angie helped me plant a croton in our front garden in honor of their father and husband who died four years ago in May.                Incidentally, just a week ago, two additional houses across the street from both or ours went on the market. The girls said they would pray with us that just the right families move in with whom we could build friendships. We literally and spiritually are seeking to extend God's kingdom and bloom when God has called us, planting flowers

and friendships for Jesus. Perhaps you are doing  this as well in your neighborhood.
Thanks be to God for His faithfulness  in allowing us to assist Him in changing His world.

In His Strong Name,



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