Snail Mail-Did we get your attention?

Snail MailDear New Covenant,

We are writing to invite you to 9 o’clock. Beginning in February, we are taking a fresh look at adult formation by presenting four new series at 9:00 am in the Parish Hall. Our format deserves a word of explanation.

Glenn, Sheryl, Clint and I will take a Sunday each month and develop a theme or topic. Listed below are two ways to see what is coming. The schedule shows you who is teaching each week. The descriptions tell you what the focus of each module will be.

Remember, we have Nursery and Children’s Education at 9:00 am already. The children’s curriculum at 9:00 am is different than the lessons they hear at 10 o’clock Sunday school, so the whole family can come together. To make the morning a bit less hectic for you, we invite you to come for breakfast at 8:45 am and then stay for the sessions from 9:00- 9:45 am.


February- 01           Hearing God: Spiritual Q-Tips. - Glenn Starr
February-08           Apostolic Ministry: Biblical Echoes & Patterns - Fr. Christopher+
February-15            Communications: Where Are We? - Fr. Clint+
February-22           A Meal with Jesus: Grace, Community and Mission - Sheryl Curbow Shaw
March- 01               Hearing God: Why is the Bible So Important? - Glenn Starr
March-8                  Apostolic Ministry: Historical Fights & Forms - Fr. Christopher+
March-15                Communications: How Can We Improve Internal Communications? - Fr. Clint+
March-22               A Meal with Jesus: Grace, Community and Mission - Sheryl Curbow Shaw
March-29               Hearing God: Personal time with God….What, Why, How, When? - Glenn Starr
April-05                  EASTER
April-12                   Apostolic Ministry: Mission and Ministry - Fr. Christopher+
April-19                   Communications: Reaching Outside the Walls - Fr. Clint+
April-26                  A Meal with Jesus: Grace, Community and Mission - Sheryl Curbow Shaw
May-03                   Hearing God: Five Keys to Tuning In - Glenn Starr
May-10                   Apostolic Ministry: Contemporary Connections - Fr. Christopher+
May-17                   Communications: Reaching Outside the Walls - Fr. Clint+
May-24                  A Meal with Jesus: Grace, Community and Mission - Sheryl Curbow Shaw

Session Descriptions-

First Sundays with Glenn Starr

qtipIn the fast pace of 21st century life, it is often hard to hear the voice of God in the midst of so much noise. The Bible puts a great deal of weight on hearing. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” In other words, we won’t have faith and we won’t have hearing unless we use the Q-Tip of God’s Word. We will look at some practical things the Bible has to say about how to hear


Second Sundays with Fr. Christopher

chess pieceOnce Fr. Carl is made a bishop, how will this new ministry fit into the biblical and historic patterns that have long shaped the church? From scripture and custom, find out more about a bishop’s ministry and role in the church and world.






Third Sundays with Fr. Clint

communicationsCommunications touches every part of our lives, yet most of our interaction is not intentional. We rely on habits and past experience to guide us. Looking introspectively, as individuals and as a congregation, we will investigate where we are in God's story and determine how we might improve our contribution to His overall plan.








Fourth Sundays with Sheryl Curbow Shaw

MealAnswering the question "why Jesus came," saves us. Discovering "how Jesus came" challenges us to look at how He interacted with sinners and to follow His example. Come and explore the question of "how Jesus came" and what that says to us as we interact with our neighbors and communities.

We hope you will find a topic interesting to you and make a commitment to one or more of these series this spring. If you have questions, direct them to

Hope to see you this Sunday. Remember, breakfast is served at 8:45 am.

Fr. Christopher+
New Covenant Ministry Team

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