05-09-2014 " You Can't Eat Just One"
A Friday Message from Sara Buffington, Worship Leader 5-9-2014
Everyone in my family knows my weakness for Nacho Cheese Doritos. If Mommy eats just one, she'll end up eating the whole bag. If I get a taste, I just can't stop myself.
I think the Presence of God is something like that. If you get a taste, you want more and more and more. He awakens a desire in you that makes you, as the psalmist says, "long, even faint for Your courts. My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God." (Ps. 84)
But my love for Doritos is not uncontrollable. The reason you don't always see me with cheesy, orange fingers is that I have a method: I don't buy them. I don't even bring them into the house. And the longer I go without them, the more I can handle my craving until, eventually, it just quietly dies away.
But unlike Nacho Cheese Doritos, which (let's face it) are bad for us, being in the Presence of God is so good for us. But we avoid Him, keep Him at arm's length from our hearts, our homes, our schools, and our workplaces, and eventually we forget how good He is.
But we can come back to Him and "taste and see the goodness of the Lord." (Ps. 34) Come on Sunday, let's worship Him together, ask His Presence to move around us, among us, and within us, and let's reawaken the desire to be with Him, constantly
Sara Buffington