April 14th, 2016 by Carl Buffington
In my sermon Sunday I explored briefly how do we respond to the question of Jesus, “Do you love me?”
Do we mean what sing, “You are my everything, and I will adore you.” In Luke 14.33 Jesus says, "In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples." NIV.
What do we really love?
How do grow in our love for Him?
How do we increase our focus on Him in all aspects of our lives?
I was asking these questions when I read today’s devotional by Nicky Gumbel and was touched and so decided to share, just in case. And just in case, here’s the site — bibleinoneyear.org. If it’s too long, about 15 minutes, after the introduction go to the NT reading and reflection — money is a tool, test, and threat. This is where we begin. And I love Pippa’s comment at the close.