Blog Articles

"Train yourself spiritually"

- 1 Timothy 4:8

    Lean Into Hardship

    Lean Into Hardship

    My birthday is coming up this week. The big 31…not so big I know, but it’s got me thinking back. I think about my 20’s and man were they a doozy. I’m sure most people can say that about their 20’s. For me, I think about the amazing experiences…and the heart-breaking ones. I think about the five surgeries I had, including one that was one of the most traumatic experiences in my life. I think about my very public struggle with health, both physical and mental. I think about the wonderful, amazing friends I made and the ones I lost along the way. I think about falling in love and getting my heart broken. I think about the people who lifted me up and the people who tore me down. I think about losing my faith in God and everything I believed in; and then finding my way back to a relationship with God, stronger than I ever could have fathomed. And so we keep going down the rabbit hole…

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