December 14th, 2016 by Christopher Caudle

Originally sent to parish via email on December 9, 2016

We Wait... An Advent reminder.

December 9th, 2016 by April Pence

Advent – a season of waiting, anticipation. I just wanted to share a little snippet from my devo that touched my heart. I think we can all agree that all is not well (yet) in this world. We long for His coming…

African Refugee Christmas Party

December 9th, 2016 by Clint Kandle

December 17, 2016

11:00 am-3:00 pm

The African Refugee Christmas Party

Summit Church

Herdon Campus735 Herndon Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803


December 9th, 2016 by Dr. Larry Selig

Originally sent to the parish via email 12-2-16.

Do you believe in angels? I mean, like the angels we read about throughout the Bible? Especially at Advent and the stories surrounding the birth of Jesus, angels appear everywhere. We sing carols about them, see them on Christmas cards, and in pageants. But are they real today?

This Sunday at the 10 AM service, I want to share with you how I came to believe that angels were and still are real. We will discuss who they are, how many there might be, what God calls them to do, and share several recent angelic encounters that cause me to say, "I believe!" Hope to see you Sunday!



December 9th, 2016 by Gabriel Ipasu

Originally sent to parish via email 11-26-16.

We begin Advent with the familiar Gospel of Matthew on the second coming of the Lord instead of his first coming which seems more logical for Advent. The point would be to highlight the importance of understanding both comings as mutual meaningful and fulfilling; this is a very strong, unbreakable relationship similar to the one we see between the Old and The New Testament.



December 9th, 2016 by Christopher Caudle

Originally sent to parish via email on 11-18-16

Thanksgiving is always an opportunity. It isn't thanks-taking or thanks-taxing.

The calendar may schedule it, the Pilgrims and Native Americans may model it, but you can eat turkey, even pumpkin pie, without it. Manners or situations may expect it, but no one may demand it.

This past week, the Thursday small group spent some time looking at the Psalms of Thanksgiving that are sprinkled through the Psalter. Examples include Psalms of individuals like Psalm 18, 30, 31, 32, 40, 66, 92, 116, 118, 120 and Psalms for the community like Psalm 65, 66, 107, 118, 124, 129. (Here is a helpful chart that describes how these psalms are structured.)


December 9th, 2016 by Carl Buffington

Originally sent to the parish via email 11-11-16

Holding hands is huge, isn't it? From the reach atop the Sistine Chapel to two lovers walking down their lane, to symbols of unity, caring, victory: holding hands means a lot, conveys a lot, says a lot.

The other Sunday morning our grandson Emmett reached out for hands on the first note of the Lord's

Prayer. Barbara saw it and later shared it with me. We both thought it was huge because we saw it as an outward and visible sign that the Sunday morning liturgy was shaping, training, forming, and "recreating"* his soul. And that is huge!


December 9th, 2016 by Clint Kandle

Originally sent to the parish via email 11-4-16.

What do All Saints' Sunday, the Baptisms of Three Bravo Siblings and the Upcoming Presidential Election Have in Common?

Sounds like the start of a corny joke, doesn't it? Few people would argue about the positive effects the saints' lives have had on our eternal progress as Christians. The same holds true with the baptisms. We at least cognitively grasp that the decision to follow Christ and the subsequent submersion in water of each of the Bravo children constitutes a rebirth into the family of all believers.

Expected Delivery Date

December 9th, 2016 by Christopher Caudle

Originally sent to the parish via email 10-28-16

Tracking numbers are great to help you know the route your package from Oregon is taking on its way to your house. They are great if you want to know when to be home to sign for something. You can take some measure of comfort while things are moving from place to place. They keep you "in the know." They assure you that your item is "en route."


December 9th, 2016 by Christopher Caudle

Originally sent to parish via email 10-21-16.

Are you ready for a challenge? Here are four ways to take 1 STEP as a Next Step.

One. Join us tomorrow morning at 11am as we celebrate the ordination of Mark Kiesel to the Sacred Order of Deacons. Bishop William will ordain Mark and Archbishop Kolini will be preaching. New Covenant is blessed to have these opportunities to host ministry partners from here in the US as well as our partners from around the globe to participate in the mission of God in the world.

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