Thank You for the Prayer!

February 26th, 2016 by Erica Stephenson

Thank you for praying for our 4th-6th graders as they went on their retreat last Saturday!

The JC456 leaders, Thom Shaw, Kris Taff and Jane Trnka, planned a great day where students learned more about who God is through Daniel's story. Lee Grady, one of the missionaries that New Covenant supports, also came out and spoke to the students about his work. He invited them to see how they are a part of God's mission in the world. They seemed so encouraged to spend time with one of the missionaries from our church, who they consistently write cards to and pray for.

90 Days From Now

February 12th, 2016 by Christopher Caudle

Our journey through Lent begins on Ash Wednesday with our confession that things have not gone as they should.  Maybe things didn’t go as we planned, or maybe our plans didn’t turn out as we imagined.

“We have not loved God with our whole heart. We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.”

With the wreckage of these missed marks before us, the confession leads us to make a turn, a course correction, and go in a new direction. “We are truly sorry, and we humbly repent.”

The scriptures this Sunday ask us to consider what we will do now. What comes after the confession that our internal GPS failed us, and that we have failed God and those around us?

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